How to Actually Start TikTok Dropshipping in 2023

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How to Actually Start TikTok Dropshipping in 2023

 Got the itch to get rich in 2023? TikTok drop shipping could be just what you need!  As a seasoned pro in drop shipping, I've been able to create multipleTikTok drop shipping stores that have generated multiple six and seven figures. In this blog post, I'll be showing you the quickest way to get started withTikTok drop shipping the right way in 2023. It takes real skill (and luck!) but starting off on the right path is key: follow my guide for an easy way to kickstart your very own TickTock dropshipping journey without spending more than $100!


Step One: Finding a Winning Product

The first step in drop shipping is finding a winning product. Sure, it can be complicated trying to figure out what's going on - but remember, you only need one! My personal favorite way of sourcing products right now is through Exploding Topics...but keeping up-to-date with the everchanging trends in this industry requires more than just a website. So if you want the most current and updated product research strategies, make sure to subscribe to my channel and get some mentorship.


Step Two: Research and Sourcing

Once you’ve found the product, the next step is to source it. Simply use Google and head over to AliExpress. But don't let their prices scare you away - they may very well be drop-shipping as well as yourself. For maximum savings, check out CJ Drop Shipping – my go-to spot for sourcing awesome products with speedy delivery times too!

After signing up on CJ dropshipping, you can get access to unbeatable deal on products with just a few clicks! Type in "sunrise alarm clock" on CJ and find a similar product. It might be selling for around $13, which is a lot cheaper than on AliExpress. Make sure to calculate the cost with shipping, which will depend on your options. You want to balance it out and find a product that has good quality images, good profit margins (at least $20 extra after the cost of the product and shipping), and can be sourced from a supplier like CJ where it can be shipped fast.


Step Three: Order a Sample

Order a sample of the product to make sure it's of good quality and meets your expectations. This is your first investment, and it will cost you around $20 to $25. After you receive the sample, take high-quality photos of the product and use them in your store.


Step Four : Building a Shopify website 

It's time to move to next step which is building a Shopify website for your drop shipping store. The good news is that you can start a trial for just one dollar for the next three months by clicking the link provided. To make it easier for beginners, it is recommended to use the "Refresh" theme from the Shopify App Store, which is simple and clean. If you're not confident in writing product descriptions, you can use the video titled "I tried Drop Shipping with Chat GPT" where a chatbot was used to create product descriptions.

Pro tip : To give your brand a professional touch, you can use a logo creation service like Fiverr, which offers logos starting from ten dollars. To get your website's domain, you can go to a website like GoDaddy and get it for just one cent for the first year. At this point, you would have spent around 35 dollars on your fully configured store and a sample product.


Step 5 : Advertising

Drop shipping success depends on advertising, and the key is creating captivating content. Make sure your TikTok posts over these next 30 days are short, dynamic and incorporate popular sounds to get traction! Your goal? To have enough organic reach that your videos go viral - give users something they can’t help but engage with for maximum visibility! 


Step 6 : Consistency 

The biggest difference between successful and unsuccessful drop shippers is consistency. Most drop shippers fail because they don't make organic content for their products and instead just run ads. By posting a video every day for 30 days, you can ensure that your product takes off and goes viral. By the end of the 30 days, you will have 30 pieces of content on your TikTok profile, and you can use the video with the most views to advertise. By doing this, TikTok has already decided which video is the best for engagement and which video will give you the lowest cost per impression, making it cheaper to advertise.

In conclusion, using TikTok's Ad Dashboard and following the proven formula of creating engaging content for 30 days before advertising can help you achieve higher click-through rates, lower CPMS and increased sales. By connecting your TikTok account with your website conversions, you can confidently advertise and know that you're making a smart investment. With a budget of just $50, there's no reason not to try this method. If you do, be sure to join the Money Mafia Discord and share your results. Your success is our success, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Remember to like, comment and subscribe, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

Book a call here to apply for mentorship 

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